2. >maps
  3. >Arctic



The smallest and most spacious map, featuring high-tier monuments, a railway, many flat areas, and elevation changes.
Designed to concentrate lots of players within a small area, provide full gameplay, offering enough loot, farming space, NPC monuments, and a winter wonderland!
Try something new this winter ❤️

- Ring Railway: used as a road, and there's a respawn of junkpiles
- Ice Caves: trains run through them, and players can build a base in some areas
- Green Caves: green trees, hemp, berries, corn and pumpkins
- Winter CargoShip (safe-zone): players can spawn here if the island too dangerous
- Sailing Yacht: nice spot for living
- Bradley: patrolling the subway, time for a new challenge
- Train Unloading Station: part of the trainyard, green card puzzle, wagon unloading, blue card spawn
- Nuclear Missle Silo: stylized & build zone reduced
- Arctic Research Base: stylized & build zone reduced
- Sphere Tank: stylized & build zone reduced
- Undeground Excavator: stylized
- Subway
- Oilrigs
- Underwater lab

Map size: 1000
Prefabs: ~15k